7 Stones for grief
As it relates to grief (which I am deeply acquainted with), it is common to do just about ALL OF THE THINGS just to simply ease some of the pain and get a little relief. Below I have included 7 crystals for grief to help aid in the healing process. I hope this helps if you ever find yourself in the midst of bereavement. Please let me know your thoughts, I'm interested in sharing even more ways of coping with loss.
1. Amethyst- Known for aiding with difficulty sleeping amethyst soothes anxiousness and insomnia. Due to its use in helping foster connection to your higher power this stone can help sustain you as sometimes grief can cause doubt in your beliefs and separation.
2. Black Onyx- Is a grounding and centering stone that provides strength, and promotes stamina, which is well needed as mourning can render you zapped of motivation and energy. Another plus to this stone is that like many black stones it absorbs negative energy and is a great protection tool against all the unwanted strife that sometimes accompanies loss.
3. Lepidolite- A rare stone of sorts raises consciousness and soothes as well as provides calm.
4. Rose Quartz- Known as the Love Stone, rose quartz helps stimulate self-love and care and nurture the love and kindness that may not be readily accessible. It can be extremely difficult to maintain self-care habits so Rose Quartz can help combat that.
5. Moonstone- Stones with high vibrations can help you reach a higher state of being. Often times with grief the goal is to get gradual relief until you are able to reach a state of acceptance and then peace.
6. Pyrite- Lack of sleep, lack of basic self-care, and the stress during a loss can be physically taxing on your system. For this reason, pyrite supports your adrenal gland and prevents burnout.
7. Smokey Quartz- This smoky variety of quartz can help sustain and keep you rooted as your emotions ebb and flow. Consider this stone to anchor you while processing your darker thoughts.
Placing stones on a bedside table, under your bed, in your bra, or wearing them in jewelry are all ways you can use them for support. If you place it in your bra just be mindful to avoid funny public situations.
Thanks for reading. We hope this helps!
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