
Queen of Sheba wrapped Waist Beads With clasp


Queen of Sheba wrapped Waist Beads With clasp


This strand is removable and features an assortment of beautiful quality gemstones.  Each stone is exquisitely wire wrapped allowing for longevity.  

Cleansed with water, Charged by the Sun, Strung with love! 


Traditional tied waist beads go back centuries.  Many African communities wear them for various reasons...

  • Used as adornment and lingerie beads are alluring, from the looks to the way they move. 
  • Worn as a Rights of Passage, symbolizing different life phases women encounter
  • As a way to monitor and connect with your body weight (they move as you loose or gain weight.
  • As a way to get in-tune with yourself.  Intentional jewelry including gem stones that aid in healing

*Priced for waist 50” and under